Routine Inspections


Offering top-notch tenant inspection services is one of Zion House Property Management’s greatest strengths. Our inspectors are seasoned members of the law enforcement community. We put a strong emphasis on asset protection by conducting routine tenant inspections to spot problems, stop crime, and ensure that the lease is being followed.

The demographics and tenant base of your building are dynamic. While screening services and lease applications may show a tenant’s “capacity to pay,” they do not reveal a tenant’s history of risky behavior or carelessness with regard to the property.

Your business depends on satisfied tenants. Zion House Property Management recognizes the value of fostering a sense of community and works hard to keep your property and tenants safe, secure, and in compliance with their lease.

Our comprehensive knowledge of local, municipal, and provincial residential tenancy bylaws can equip you if and when necessary.

We have expertise in providing professional services and solutions in the areas of Business & Consultancy services.